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Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes 06/10/09

June 10, 2009 Meeting
Site Walk - Map 244 Lot 6, 22 High Street

Members & Staff Present:        Diane Chauncey (Staff)   Doug Crafts (Member)           
John Giffin (Member             Ron Haggett (Member)     John Kendall (Chair)   
Peter Moore (Planner)               Frank Scales (Member)                                       
Members & Staff Absent:          Don Winchester (Alternate)     
Public Attendees:               Ben Pratt (Resident)              Richard Allen (Resident)
Peter Burwen (Abutter)  Jesse Lazar (Planning Board)   John Dunlap (Owner)              
Kim Proctor (Abutter)           Leslie Bernardi (Abutter)
Vanessa Boyle (Photographer - Caron & Associates)
Keith Anderson (Photographer - Caron & Associates)                              
Shannon McManus (KJK Wireless)
Susan Doherty (Atty - Anderson & Kreiger))                      
Doug Wilkins (Atty -Anderson & Kreiger)
5:30 Town Hall
 Meet and then carpool at 22 High Street

Weather  Gray, misty, 60's, a light breeze

6:00pm Public Meeting beginning at 22 High Street Chair Kendall opened the continued Public Meting at 6:00 pm, introduced himself, and the Board members.  All of the above listed Board members, staff, and public attendees (except Leslie Bernardi and Kim Proctor who were only present for the time spent at their residences) viewed the Balloon Test from the following locations:

        Driveway Entry to 22 High Street
        Yard area around residence of 22 High Street
        20 High Street - Earl & Sarah Dyer
        24 High Street - Anthony & Christine Koban
        30 High Street - Beverly Bernardi
        32 High Street - Richard & Cordelia Oicles
        36 High Street - Derek & Hillary Brown
        38 High Street - Dean & Kim Proctor
        44 High Street - Richard & Bonnie Plyler
        48 High Street - Monadnock Paper Mill

        Amy's House on Balch Farm Road

        5 Maple Avenue - Helen Bradbury
        9 Maple Avenue - Wilbert & Constance Vandervort
          11 Maple Avenue - Maureen Watts/Peter Burwen

Caron & Associates positioned the balloon test. The helium filled balloons are placed at three heights (100', 90', 80') to depict the levels at which the antenna/ arrays could be installed. Mr. Anderson and his assistant, Ms. Boyle, determine that the balloons are vertical (not repositioned by the wind), and then take numerous photos. The photos with the balloons will be simulated with a PWSF (cell tower).

Chair Kendall asked if there were any further questions from the Board. There were none. Mr. Haggett moved to close this portion of the Public Meeting that will be continued at Town Hall on June 16, 2009 at 7:00 pm. It was seconded by Mr. Scales, and approved.

Respectfully submitted,
Diane M. Chauncey, Planning Assistant,
On Behalf of the Antrim Zoning Board of Adjustment